June 15, 2020

“The Producer Series” IGTV by Caravela Coffee – A coffee company

“the Producer Series” Igtv By Caravela Coffee A Coffee Company

Are you a small business coffee shop owner? Maybe you are a dedicated Starbucks or Dunkin’ raving fan? Either way, you do not want to miss this latest blog from Caravela coffee!

Meet Ana Sofia!

She  is one of Caravela Coffee’s Relationship Builders, she helps cultivate relationships with coffee producers throughout Central  America. Before I break down the interview between Ana Sofia and Eric R. Landaverde (2nd generation coffee farmer), grab your favorite coffee and sit back while I briefly give you the 411 on Caravela. Caravela is a coffee exporter that has a network of 4401 farmers throughout Latin America. On top of that, Caravela also has importing operations all around the world and is a Certified B Corporation, a recognition that distinguishes them from other coffee exporters, and companies in general, due to their ethical business approach.

Eric Landaverde honey raised beds
Eric Landaverde honey raised beds

After reading this blog, you will have a better understanding of why your  
coffee experience can be and really should be unique. If you are curious to  
understand the distinctive taste and experience of each cup of coffee, then  
keep reading and sipping your beverage! 

In this Instagram live, producer Eric shares the three process he applies to his coffees, that give his coffees such unique tastes, tastes which coffee lovers like myself are constantly craving. There is the washed, natural, and  
honey processes. To keep this blog short and easy to read, I will only highlight the honey process, however, I challenge you to learn more about the washed and natural processes by visiting Caravela’s website and IGTV, the links of which can be found below.

The reason for focusing on the honey process is due to the fact that Eric processed 80% of his harvest in this way, resulting in a 60% increase in sales. Can you guess the first step in all three method? Well, you probably guessed right, it involves picking out the best quality cherries! The cherries are sent to the watching station where they are pulped the same day and then moved to raised drying beds. This is different compared to washed or natural processed coffees. As it is quite technical, I will quote directly from  
the Caravela Coffee: “Honey is process in which the pulp or skin of the coffee
cherries is removed, but the mucilage is NOT removed from the seeds.  
Therefore, coffee is dried with a sticky layer or mucilage that resemble  
honey. Honey processed coffees tend to have muted acidity, a balanced  
body, which tend to be fruity and sweet.” 

Wow! What a process and unique experience for coffee lovers all around the world. If you would like to know more about coffee production or learn more about Eric and other coffee producers, then visit the Caravela website and tune in to Caravela Coffee’s weekly interviews on IGTV.  “I don’t always receive the best results each day but each day I give life my very best”

Eric Landaverde honey coffee
Eric Landaverde honey coffee

Follow Caravela Coffee on Instagram here.  



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